For General Public and Facilities!

Flow and Flair offers 3 different creative flagging classes and formats.

Emotions · Original · Azucar

To Book:

Call- 917-532-7199



Flow and Flair-Emotions

We are proud to introduce a Workshop that has proven success internationally. Broadway to Bombay was its original name and over 5 years Flow and Flair developed Broadway to Bombay in India and the US.

Emotions tackles just that- difficult emotions you are unable to express. Great for groups that want to have an amazing breakthrough and a sense of healing.

We offer it in tandem with Pieces of Us the Film at colleges and universities.

History of Broadway to Bombay-

Our mission is to provide a support system uniting communities by unleashing love and courage sharing “flag dancing,” an art form that originated in New York City. Currently, we are the only project sharing a non-traditional dance art form from the United States with India. This is an opportunity to express physically, that which cannot be verbalized. We are making history for communities in India most specifically within the LGBTQI community.

Flow and Flair - Original

Focuses on inspiring creativity and inspires people who are with limited mobility to turn "I Can't" to "I Can". A beginner level best for people with limited mobility in need a light challenge through movement; one to two mini-flags used depending on the group.

Flow and Flair - Azucar

A 1 hour choreographed flag dancing class! Participants must have flagging basics and proficiency with 1 or 2 mini-flags; able to stand for extended periods.

Train to teach Flow and Flair

Train to teach Flow and Flair

Flow and Flair - Training

Work with Owner/Creator of Flow and Flair and learn how to teach Flow and Flair at your facility. Why wait for us to come to you, be your own instructor, taught by the best! Please contact us!

 Get Your Mini-Flags for Class!